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- Free updates for all 4.x versions
- Technical support
- Discount for 5.x version update
- Discount on the purchase of 5+ licenses
- Unlimited users inside one company
Site License
- Free updates for all 4.x versions
- Technical support
- Discount for 5.x version update
- Unlimited users inside one company
Update from 3.х
- Free updates for all 4.x versions
- Technical support
- Discount for 5.x version update
- Discount on the purchase of 5+ licenses
- Unlimited users inside one company
Site License
- Free updates for all 4.x versions
- Technical support
- Discount for 5.x version update
- Unlimited users inside one company

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Software Update Policy
Minor Updates vs Major Upgrades
A minor update is a revision that encapsulates software bug fixes and often includes small functional enhancements. Minor updates are signified by minor version number increments. For example, a minor update from version 4.0 would be 4.0.1, 4.1, 4.2.1 etc.
A major upgrade is a revision that involves extensive engineering work to provide significant enhancements to a product. Major upgrades are often accompanied with new documentation and are signified by an increment in the integer portion of the version number. For example, a major upgrade from version 4.0 would be labeled 5.0.
Resource Builder registered users are entitled to free minor updates. For example if you are a registered user of version 4.0 you are able to download and use updates labeled 4.0.1, 4.1 etc. Major updates usually incur a some update fee to help cover additional engineering and documentation costs. For example if you are a registered owner of 3.x you will be able to download and update to version 4.x for a small update fee.
Price Protection
If you purchase a license for Resource Builder and a major upgrade is released within one month of your purchase date you are entitled to a free upgrade to the new major release.
If you have any questions concerning software upgrades please send us a message either by email or using contacts form at